I’m mixing it up with the reflection blog this year. Instead of my favorite experiences from the year, I’m sharing my top 5 favorite books. Really, there are many, but these are the start to a fantastic foundation.

1. The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy) is a practical, straightforward, and motivational guide that examines how small decisions, habits, or routines play a big role in shaping your life.
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter) has been around for a while, yet its impact is still going strong for me. Knowing the difference between working for money and having your money work for you drives my investment decisions.
3. Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire (Dan Martel) revolutionized how I work. I consciously engage in high-value work rather than getting stuck in the weeds. I focus on using my strengths to meet our business and investment goals and delegate to people other work that best matches their strengths.
4. Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life (Bill Perkins) is a guide to get the most out of your money while getting the most out of life. It’s about getting away from over-saving and under-living to fully engage and enjoy life while you can.
5. Happier than a Billionaire: Quitting My Job, Moving to Costa Rica, and Living the Zero Hour of Work (Nadine Hays Pisani) is a light and fun read. Pisani uses wit and humor to describe what happened as she followed her dream to change her life. While I do not plan to make a move, this book does help young dreamers avoid the trap of what most think they are after … a good job.

My final recommendation is to grab one of the listed books and pick a comfy chair to read in or download the audiobook for your next workout. Packed with lessons to learn, they’re also a good way to use up those gift cards! 😀

Jeff Salzbrun is the owner/broker of Commercial Equities Group (CEG). As a veteran-owned real estate brokerage, CEG has been involved in thousands of sale and lease transactions, ranging from single offices to 250,000+ square foot buildings. At CEG, we get your deal done. We know space, and we know the CRE business.