At CEG, we know space. We’re not just knowledgeable and approachable – we’re creative, too (#5 may surprise you 😉). And that creativity carries over to how we approach deals. Our goal is to get the right spaces and the best deals for our clients’ business.

Our first step in finding that perfect space is getting to know our clients, understanding their needs and developing a connection. We become a guide to show them how to get the perfect fit. Sometimes deals are straight forward, and other times they need more of a creative approach. Here are the five options to get clients into spaces:
1. For some businesses, leasing is the right way to go. A client may want the flexibility or tax breaks that come from renting. They may need a fixed monthly cost or don’t want to tie up their cash. We help clients understand the pros and cons of leasing to make sure they align with their business goals. We also break down the details of the lease and negotiate to get the best deal possible.
2. Other business owners may choose to buy a property. They may want the long-term financial benefits of owning, such as, having an appreciating asset, tax advantages of depreciation, and the ability to build equity as they pay a mortgage versus a landlord. They can also rent out some of the space to other businesses, creating another stream of income. We can help clients weigh the pros and cons and see how they apply to investment goals. We then walk the client through the sale process, negotiate, and get the best deal possible.
3. For some clients, a lease with an option to buy or a contract for deed might be provided by an owner. This could be the right solution. This legally binding contract gives the tenant an exclusive option to purchase within a certain time frame and sale price (sometimes with variables). We walk through the different types of opt to buy contracts and see what aligns with their business goals. Many find this option to be a great way to slide into CRE investment.
4. We also help clients who want to purchase a property but don’t have the resources. Because we are a brokerage that provides investment real estate services, we tap into our network to bring in investors looking for opportunities and pair them with clients that need partners. It’s a win-win for both sides.

5. In some cases, CEG and our investment partners step in to help. For example, if a client needs an 8,000 SF industrial space that’s hard to find in the metro, we may buy a larger building, divide it to be multi-tenant, and rent the remaining space to other tenants. This win-win strategy is about thinking outside the box while covering future growth.
Ultimately, our goal is to do what’s best for our clients. The way a deal unfolds can be unique. We draw on our vast network, inject industry experience, analyze current market data, and utilize strong established relationships with listing resource sites to find the right deal.

Jeff Salzbrun is the managing partner of Commercial Equities Group (CEG). As a veteran-owned real estate brokerage, CEG has been involved in thousands of sale and lease transactions, ranging from single offices to 250,000+ square foot buildings. At CEG, we get your deal done. We know space, and we know the CRE business.
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